The Fish Store - Seattle


New Member
Overall Service 4.5
Cost 3
Quality of fish 5
Variety 5
Service 5

I really liked their nano tank displays!

Idk bout that, they seemed to want to ask us if we wanted help every 5 seconds! LOL


New Member
Overall Experience: 4
Cost: 3
Quality of Fish: 5
Variety: 5
Service: 4

For people that don't have many local fish stores around them, this store was a treat to visit. They had a good stock of supplies including a nice variety of tanks and stands. They had lots of fish to chose from and although the tanks seemed a little small the fish looked healthy and happy. Both saltwater and freshwater where available and some harder to find species. Very nice plant variety available. We enjoyed this store.


Well-Known Member
Overall Experience: 5
Cost: 5
Quality of Fish: 5
Variety: 5
Service: 5

I wanted to update because since The Fish Store has moved to Lake City, it has had to be allowed the time to recover. It is a great store with a great selection. Fish are always healthy, as they have always been. The owner is usually there so you can talk to him personally. The plant selection is good and it frequently will get interesting varieties as well as the good old stand by plants. There are fewer gawkers than when I wrote the paragraph below because of its new location. It is easier to peruse the stock as a result. There is parking in the rear off of 31st Ave NE.

Animal Talk/ Missy's Rescue is right next door in the same building. She carries axolotl and other amphibians as well as fur and feathers/

Original Post Below;
Fish Store has many people just come in to gawk and not buy since it is on Roosevelt in the U District. They quarantine much of their stock in the back room before they ever put it out on the floor. Their staff is constantly caring for the tanks so if you need service, you often have to ask. However, tanks are always healthy and they immediately stop what they are doing to help. Also, it is often full with many clientele so unless one makes themselves noticed, they are dealing with others. I have never seen a fish injured during capture which goes to show the professionalism even their newest employees have. I have been a loyal customer for decades.
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Overall Experience 4
Cost 4
Quality of Fish 4
Variety 5
Service 4

Went here for the first time and impressed by selection of freshwater and saltwater fishes. But it was so muggy and how to breath in there.


New Member
Overall Experience 4
Cost 3
Quality of Fish 5
Variety 5
Service 4

Another visit to this gem of a store on Tuesday. There is so much packed into this little storefront my only request would be to have more space for everything and lots more lighting in the fish area. Tanks were on sale at GREAT prices...wish I had space for more. Nice rimless selection.

Lovely plants with lots of variety. Lots of fish, great selections. Tanks could have used a little maintenance but with the lighting in the store it may have been more a function of that than the tanks themselves.

This store is always on my visit list.


Well-Known Member
Overall service 2
Cost 3
Quality of fish 1
Variety 4
Service 0

One of the first stores I visited when I moved to Seattle and got back into fish. Over the past couple years I have noticed a sharp decline in the overall quality of tank maintinace and fish health. When we stopped in Saturday on our way to pick up some other fish I noticed three things quickly:

1. Tanks were dirty to the point of not being able to see fish in 1/3 of them.
          I know in a store with that number of tanks it takes awhile to clean them, take the time to come in early before the doors open and get it done

2. Unaceptable number of dead or sick fish
          Fish die, yes it happens, but alot of the fish that were dead had been for more than a day. Read suggestion from above. Sick fish/quaretine tank period WHEN I SEE A STORE TAKE FISH OUT OF A TANK THAT 75% OF THE FISH IN IT HAVE ICK AND SELL THEM TO A CUSTOMER, ANY AND ALL RESPECT WAS LOST!!

3. Rudeness of the people working there.
         Was inspecting a tank with some Apistos in it. Sells person came, and literaly pushed me out of the way to get to a tank above the one I was inspecting. Not a word said to me just push and ignore. We were there for about 30min and did not have a single sales person ask if we needed help or had any questions.

There were some good things, they had some very nice wild type discus and most seemed to be very healthy and priced nicely. Still a excellent selection of fish plants, and Dry Goods at competative prices.

Will I go back yes, they always have something interesting. Will not make it a special trip though like I had done in the past.



New Member
This store has moved to Lakecity! They are much better all around. New owners as well. They are doing a great job! They. Are not high pressure in fact one has to ask for help and I like that. Get on their mailing list to get monthly great coupons!

Overall experience 4
Cost 4
Variety 4
Service 4


New Member
Overall service 0
Cost 3
Quality of fish o
Variety 4
Service 3

I have visited this store a few times and have rates it in the past.
I purchased a small axolotl from wa severely malnurished in a warm tank (they are cold water) and on gravel that is deadly for them.

It is still struggling to pull threw and I purchased it in hopes of saving it....time will still tell.
fish stores should not keep animals if they dont have the slightest idea how to care for them!

It has passed 4 stones sk far.


Well-Known Member
Overall Experience: 2
Cost: 3
Quality of Fish: 4
Variety: 5
Service: 2

This first time that I went here I was looking for Endlers, Green Tetras and RCS for a nano tank. They only had the shrimp. Then then sold me on a pair of Pygmy Gouramis which I later found out are notorious shrimp killers. I was then in the area a couple of months later so stopped back in. Over half of the aquariums had signs but no fish associated with the signs. Also, as others have mentioned I came in and left without an individual person saying "Hi" or asking if I needed any help.


Well-Known Member
Overall Experience: 2
Cost: 3
Quality of Fish: 4
Variety: 5
Service: 2

This first time that I went here I was looking for Endlers, Green Tetras and RCS for a nano tank. They only had the shrimp. Then then sold me on a pair of Pygmy Gouramis which I later found out are notorious shrimp killers. I was then in the area a couple of months later so stopped back in. Over half of the aquariums had signs but no fish associated with the signs. Also, as others have mentioned I came in and left without an individual person saying "Hi" or asking if I needed any help.
Hmmm... you probably went on those usual days where they are short staff and grumpy mode... Every time I visit that place, I always get greated and asked if i need help. I know what you mean about the aquarium signs but no fish,..


Well-Known Member
The two employees are always helpful and they know I have big tanks so they like to mention what orphan fish they currently have in case I am interested. The owner is a bit different, usually very distant and one time he seem very happy to see me. Overall I really like this store despite the fact they don't really carry big aggressive fish that I like. I still like to check them out for sales or orphans. They had a 12" Jardini for $100, I should of bought but did't have the room for it at the time. Still waiting for another great find.

Overall Experience 4
Cost 3
Quality of Fish 3
Variety 4
Service 4


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Bumping this to ask: Has anyone here visited this place since last written review here on July 4, 2016?

The online Google reviews are decent and nothing really stands out as bad yet.... no Fishbox members are reviewing it?

My hope was to stop this weekend to see the place for myself. If you have been here since 2016, how about a comment/review


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
12320 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125

Please note that I spoke with owner and got permission to take pics to post here

Inside the store

I liked the place a lot. It was the old mom and pop fish store from long ago. I found the owner to be very friendly and we talked for quite a while before he had to go help other customers. Lots of tanks with lots of fish. I didnt see dead fish and the tanks were in good shape. Im shocked there are not more reviews.

Very nice overall selection of community fishes and unique stuff like elephant nose fish, rope fish, false giraffe catfish, pygmy cory cats, multi shell dwellers, mudskippers. Didnt look at food prices but saw he had Southern Delight products on the shelf.

Overall Experience: 5
Cost: 4
Quality of Fish: 5
Variety: 5
Service: 5
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Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Additional post due to picture limitations

And right around the corner from them within easy walking distance had lunch
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Well-Known Member

Overall Experience: 5
Cost: 5
Quality of Fish: 5
Variety: 5
Service: 5

Prices seemed good and the angelfish i looked at where significantly cheaper than what I paid. Also the staff were helpful when I asked for help. But they didn't bug me either.
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