How much are you selling the big ones for? Have any males?Haha there aren't any small ones left :/ they all grew into big ones, they are all bigger than the big ones were when I was selling them.
How much are you selling the big ones for? Have any males?
@Tank - yesterday, I put in three female endlers with a strange humpback look to them. I thought Tankie would gobble them down. Not so. At least - yet. While I was at work today, one or more of these females had friggin babies so now there's a cloud of teeny weeny endler babies in there also!
Does your SRT eat other fish? They're supposed to be omnivore maniacs, but Tankie seems to act like this new food source is invisible.
Endlers prob gone wonky due to lack of minerals in water
Good point. However, there was only one wonky one - the other two were fine.
Update: Tankie hasn't eaten anyone.
I need to get me some Oscars.
I got one you can have lol...
Lol either they are too big or he just isnt used to seeing live food, plus you have in a community tank dont you?
Haha send me pics when you can! I love getting the updates!
I do have one left from this batch lol it was the runt but it's about 5inches now and I don't know if I want to sell it I kind of what to see how it turns out.I know I'm super late but I've gotta try! Any left?
I do have one left from this batch lol it was the runt but it's about 5inches now and I don't know if I want to sell it I kind of what to see how it turns out.