Stock change, what was I thinking? More bichirs


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Just an example of wild caught vs captive born

This is my wc Dabola endli (Tinkisso river), notice the elongated body and flat head shape

This pic is a captive born endli that a buddy of mine has. Notice head shape and length of body


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"Only a foot". The lady with amber tetras and pea puffers laughs at the thought of such a thing.
I have got so used to having large fish I cant even begin to imagine little fish. My smallest fish is my hairy puffer who is maybe about 5" long. He currently is in a 40B by himself but I am going to experiment and put him in a taller 65B and see if I can keep a small school of white clouds in with him... or they will end up being a snack, lol.


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Contributing Member Level III
How is little miss Pork Chop doing? :)
Thanks for asking Betty, I do forget to update the real reason I got the large tank. 'little' miss Porkchop is quite well. A few of our friends have not seen her in a while since the move and remodel and have commented that she looks bigger. (Polite way to say fat, lol)

These are fairly recent (Sept 2016)
Porkchop the pearsei, Snooki the red bay snook and Monty the heterospilus




Sadly I had to let Rainbow Brite the Regani go. It went into hyper mating mode this past spring and became unbearable in the tank with aggression. It took over control of the tank from Porkchop and became a dictator. In the past I would move it into a small tank for about six weeks and let it settle down and then things were calm until the next year. I just did not have to room to do that any more so I donated him to Aquarium Paradise.


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Staff member
She does look nice and happy and like she's getting more than her share at feeding time. :whistle
They're all looking good. Thanks for posting the pics. (Again -- that tank looks so clean! No algae on those plants or anywhere that I can see.)


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Contributing Member Level III
Thanks Betty, I try hard to make sure my Porkchop is well cared for. The funny thing is she actually has mellowed quite a bit as to feeding, lol. She used to be worse!


Member with a lot to say
I have got so used to having large fish I cant even begin to imagine little fish. My smallest fish is my hairy puffer who is maybe about 5" long. He currently is in a 40B by himself but I am going to experiment and put him in a taller 65B and see if I can keep a small school of white clouds in with him... or they will end up being a snack, lol.

Sacrificial white clouds! hahaha

Well your crew is gorgeous. I have a few "larger" fish - but nothing like Miss Porkchop and her crew! I used to have Oscars -- way back in the late 80's / early 90's - so I remember what it's like to have (basically) a dog in a fish tank in the living room. ha! Mine used to love Doritos. I know. I know. Not a healthy snack but they sure did love them. Listening to them chew them up, at night, when the house was quiet....pretty fun.


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Watch the ornate, they tend to be bullies and pick on other polys that are smaller than them. Also feed well, these small polys tend to be cannibals and will eat other polys they can fit in their mouth. That said my worry would be for the albino sen, they just do not get that large in comparison to the others you have. I think the largest Ive seen is maybe 8" and the lap and endli can hit 16"-18" without much problem. So this size difference can be a problem or you might have easy going polys and have zero issues.

Here is a little Wet Spot info for you. They do not keep all the fish they have in the store. They have another location they ship out from. So if you order online you can usually request the characteristics you want and they can check their inventory and get you what you are looking for. In store they may have one endli but in their other location may have many. This was kind of why I suggested ordering online instead of driving there, bigger pool to choose from. Also only about $25 to have them ship it. With the endli I would say splurge on a wild caught if possible. The difference is very noticeable as adults. When young they seem okay but as they age the head has a weird shape and they tend to look a bit short. Delhezi captive born can get that 'beer gut' too so another fish I would say splurge on wild caught.
Thank you for the tip dude!!


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Hahaha I know right? I have pea puffers too! They are tough little guys.

I just LOVE EM. Someone told me that you should only have one of them though - that if there's more than that, they fight wieth each other. Is that true? I'd have a TANK FULL if I could. I love puffers in general. Murphy in Cory's store? I'm in love. Everytime I go in there, I get all goo-goo eyed watching him.


Well-Known Member
Well I must confess that I have five of them in a tank... they like to school! As long as it is heavily planted enough that they can hide when aggro mode kicks in I think it's ok! There are otos in there and some other weird fish...


Well-Known Member
I just LOVE EM. Someone told me that you should only have one of them though - that if there's more than that, they fight wieth each other. Is that true? I'd have a TANK FULL if I could. I love puffers in general. Murphy in Cory's store? I'm in love. Everytime I go in there, I get all goo-goo eyed watching him.


Member with a lot to say
Well I must confess that I have five of them in a tank... they like to school! As long as it is heavily planted enough that they can hide when aggro mode kicks in I think it's ok! There are otos in there and some other weird fish... single pea puffer seems to be MIA this morning. I hope he turns up. He usually does.

And now that I know they like to school (thanks for that - my wallet is already feeling it) MO PEA PUFFERS!!!