Shrimp Tank Additives


Well-Known Member
Since I've given up on having a nice rock pile for a shrimp nursery, I got them all a nice complex chunk of cholla wood too. It finally sunk sometime last night. This morning, there was like six or seven on it/in it/through it. It looked like a Disney ride for Shrimps! They're loving it. I also think the PRLs are happy for some new shrimp friends and (hopefully) girfriends with benefits.
I don't think you really need a rock pile if it's a species only tank. Some dark spots (like the cholla wood) and maybe one of the shrimp caves if you wanted and I think you're good. I think the rockpile was supposed to be good if you had other fish that might want to eat baby shrimp.


Member with a lot to say
I don't think you really need a rock pile if it's a species only tank. Some dark spots (like the cholla wood) and maybe one of the shrimp caves if you wanted and I think you're good. I think the rockpile was supposed to be good if you had other fish that might want to eat baby shrimp.

Lucas (LR Bretz) has rock piles in his tanks - he says when the females feel safe, they really berry up and have babies. Makes sense. Until I put lots of greenery (a giant GLOB) in the endler tank (and crushed coral) nobody was having fry. Now, we are.

I think u r right tho. For now, I'm leaving it.


Member with a lot to say

That CRS looks like he/she's wearing a little red Shriner's vest. lol

How are you doubling the size already? What are you feeding them? Super shrimp crack or ????


Member with a lot to say
Soooooooooooo....I have 11 shrimp total now and I just now, for the first time, counted all 11 at one time. No deaths!

In other exciting news: when I just now topped off the tank, I stirred up a MOLT! yayayayayayayaya!


Well-Known Member

That CRS looks like he/she's wearing a little red Shriner's vest. lol

How are you doubling the size already? What are you feeding them? Super shrimp crack or ????

Uhm.... what am i feeding them? I'll post a pic of what im feeding them.. they're spoiled little brats! =D


Well-Known Member
Great point! I don't have any sponge filters and that's really what's best for shrimp anyway. Nice call!
Yeah, I made that mistake with my first shrimp only tank and now am trying to think of a way to add it in. I set up a 2nd shrimp only tank last weekend and hid the sponge filter behind a few pieces of stone and then glued a piece of anubias on top of the stone. It hardly shows now and won't once the anubias grows taller.


Member with a lot to say
Yeah, I made that mistake with my first shrimp only tank and now am trying to think of a way to add it in. I set up a 2nd shrimp only tank last weekend and hid the sponge filter behind a few pieces of stone and then glued a piece of anubias on top of the stone. It hardly shows now and won't once the anubias grows taller.

I took your advise, Loren. I got a sponge filter right after that post. It's bubbling away like a fool on that little stick on air pump that I am loving so much.

Why do you worry about seeing it? Is this an aesthetics thing or ?


Well-Known Member
In my 20 gallon long tanks they are fine because I can hide them in a back corner with plants in front. My newly established shrimp only tanks are biocube 14's. They don't have a very big footprint so it is harder to not have them stand out. But no, they are not ugly and are certainly fun to watch.


Member with a lot to say
Question: @Mike16T @Keefe @Betty @julzhull @Knutsen1122 @anyone else I forgot

How quickly do you reinstall the catapa leaves? Do you always have an "intact" leaf in there or ? I have two; one is a skeleton, one is working on being a skeleton any minute. How long do you leave them in there?

BTW I counted ELEVEN shrimp this morning. No deaths so far! *giddy*