Shrimp Tank Additives


Well-Known Member
Congrats Vicki! ^_^
It's actually tricky to see if the CRS or PRL are berried. I think your shrimps were actually berried without you noticing it.. =P


Well-Known Member
Another UPDATE: I THINK I saw a baby shrimp. I'm not kidding. Just one. He/She looks more CRS than PRL and teeeeeeny tiny.

*do I dare dream?*

QQ <== with joy
You finally beat the curse.



Member with a lot to say
They are a CRAFTY little species. I've seen them a few times - four maybe - but they're hiding in the DISNEYLAND I have set up for CRS/PRLs. Anything they could want is in there; including a TON of excellent hiding spots! I did mega water changes --- with filter cleaning - this weekend on all the tanks - but I was afraid to touch the shrimpie tank. I don't want to jack anything up. I got gobs of algae on the 3 sides, catapa leaves, chula wood, regular wood, love plants, tiny ramshorn snails - I pull the big ones for Puffy - what more could they want????


Member with a lot to say
I've seen one another time. teeeeeny tiny.

Shrimp-Gasam. That's all I'm saying. MAJOR Shrimp-gasam.


Member with a lot to say
Congrats!! Finally!!

hahahaha NO KIDDING! Just now, I peeked in to the tank (it's in the dining room) and I see a little baby enjoying the yucky crap that I've purposefully left on the glass for grazing......


Member with a lot to say
You know, I don't care. If adding to the population got things "going", I'm ok with that. The swirling "crazy" swimming like maniacs behavior a couple days ago - never, ever saw that before. Had to look it up on Google.

I peek in on them regularly - without freaking anyone out - and it would appear that the groady looking tank is bookoo OK with the shrimps. They're feeding on all surfaces - except the front - which I clean - and there's regular wood, cholla wood, catapa leaves, a shrimp cave thing and a mineral block I got from Mark's Shrimp Tanks. My TDS is spot on and so is everything else.

Dammit, I have EARNED THIS!!!!


Member with a lot to say
Shrimping UPDATE

So nothing really NEW except one of my PRLs has eggs that she's packin'. I've attached a pic of what it looks like now -- had to take a side shot so I wouldn't get window glare. They seems to be romping around just fine - no deaths - and molting too.

I did test the water this weekend and saw that the KH and GH was a bit whack. I remedied that with some Salty Shrimp GH KH+

My TDS has been remarkably stable. It's my belief that when I set this tank up in January, the TDS in the tap water was CHOCK FULL OF CRAP that isn't there now that it's spring, summer and now fall. That's my theory. I have a notebook full of TDS data I can reference to prove this.


Shrimp Disneyland 9.9.17.jpg Terrible close up of CRS 9.6.17.jpg


Member with a lot to say

I'm looking at the tank, as always, and I see something skitter across the catapa leaf and I think to myself, "Is that a BUG??" I examine it closer. And closer. IT'S A BABY PRL SHRIMP! Then I start lookin' around....there's another one...and another one...and another one....

I can't keep my eyeballs off of that tank these days! I'm so freakin' thrilled...I can't even describe it.


Well-Known Member

I'm looking at the tank, as always, and I see something skitter across the catapa leaf and I think to myself, "Is that a BUG??" I examine it closer. And closer. IT'S A BABY PRL SHRIMP! Then I start lookin' around....there's another one...and another one...and another one....

I can't keep my eyeballs off of that tank these days! I'm so freakin' thrilled...I can't even describe it.
Nice.... congrats!! All those waiting and whining paid off finally... =P

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