180 gallon in wall tank
When I finished my basement I put this 180 in my wall. It looks better but I suck at photography. there is a huge log in the middle with java moss all over it. Some crypts in the front and some anubias growing on the logs on the sides. I've got 4 angelfish in there. 2 are a pair of albino pearlscale angels. I've got school of bloodfin tetras, a school of bleeding heart tetras, a breeding colony of bushy nose plecos and a school of cory cats.
When I finished my basement I put this 180 in my wall. It looks better but I suck at photography. there is a huge log in the middle with java moss all over it. Some crypts in the front and some anubias growing on the logs on the sides. I've got 4 angelfish in there. 2 are a pair of albino pearlscale angels. I've got school of bloodfin tetras, a school of bleeding heart tetras, a breeding colony of bushy nose plecos and a school of cory cats.