Rams (Mikrogeophagus) are a short lived specie. generally the rams live 2-3 years.
Interesting! Thanks

Ramirezi aka Blue ram.. the name German Blue Ram stuck to the ramirezi..tho often the ones we get may not be 'german' (there is debate on the czech vs german varieties) as a result I prefer not to refer to them as 'German' Blue rams. I opt for Blue or Ramirezi. the Germa/czech blue rams are a morph of the original Ramirezi as is the balloon ram is a morph of the blue ram as are the gold and electric blue variants.
the Ramirezi often do well with very clean water and warmer temps(82f tho they can do well in warmer water).
next up Mikrogeophagus Altispinosa aka Bolivian Ram The Bolivain Ram does not have quite the sordid past of the Ramirezi.. it is considered hardier and slightly larger than the Ramirezi. the Bolivian ram can tolerate cooler water (76-82 f) and they will hold their own .. I always consider them a bit pugnacious they are quite mild in temperament and I know for a fact they stand up to large Discus as well as Angels and similar Cichlids.
both specie are well adapted to aquariums and as long as the water is well maintained should provide hours of enjoyment.
I think you will find in large groups where the aggression can be spread out .. you can house both species in a loose shoal/school. they will exhibit shoaling/schooling tendencies as long as you provide enough cover when they decide to pair up as this will trigger a lot more aggression within the species.
I currently have both species with Bolivian Rams having successful spawns.
I alos keep a few species of apistogramma.. also another dwarf cichlid that is interesting to keep