L190 said:Don't you need high temps to keep these guys happy and breeding? Also if I remember correctly, they have a short life span. I always wanted some electric blues but heard most that you find out there are all steroid up for color.
I have a love hate relationship with these type fish. I can pick up 4, 3 will die within 3-4 months while the 4th lives for years. That's my life span experianceL190 said:Don't you need high temps to keep these guys happy and breeding? Also if I remember correctly, they have a short life span. I always wanted some electric blues but heard most that you find out there are all steroid up for color.
Vicmacki said:GBR's look great in planted tanks. I don't remember who but there is a member with fry currently.
fishNAbowl said:I have Bolivians in my 140 and German blues in my 17 gallon. There should be more than a few of us
that keep these. Typical dwarf cichlid that can go either way with very docile or simi aggressive. What I mean by simi aggressive is they may steak a claim and defend it. The ones I have seem to prefer the bottom of the tank making a neat colorful bottom dwelling fish.
Ballon Rams are pretty neat looking. I've never housed them but assume they all share the same attributes. Other small type cichlids that are neat are Apistogramma and dwarf Acara.
http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod ... catid=1084
ziggyzoo said:Anyone keeping/kept Ram cichlids?
Or balloon rams. I think theyre sooo pretty. Id like to learn more about them. Any an all info appreciated Thanks
Vicmacki said:I have three bolivians in my 125. They could care less about all the other fish in there. They usually hang out together too. I would say this is not typical behavior.