Meds for parasitic and monitor for bacterial. If signs then treat.My question is, why subject your fish to harsh meds if it's not necessary. QT for 6 weeks plus, and monitor, if you see an issue rising then medicate.
Over the years I have brought into my fish room dozens upon dozens of wild species, and I have never medicated without first noticing an issue. Maybe some Epsom salt or food soaked in Epsom salt to help clean out their guts, but that is it.
I suppose if it works for you then great, but for me it's a waste of money and completely unnecessary.
Nah, they are 40 breeders.@Madness I bet your quarantine tank is bigger than my biggest tank!
I vary the amount of time for different reasons, but try to quarantine for at least 2 weeks and don't medicate without seeing any indication of illness.
Is there any recommended treatment for a quarantined fish that won't eat, but looks and acts fine?