oregonian lost on a washingtonian fish forum?


New Member
hey, just learned about the site from a post on PNW Guns forum (thanks to 68shooter).
my brother has had the reef bug for years, recently i caught it from him, im slowly working on 3 small tanks (30, 20 and 30) as i am able, just learning what i can and take my time with it.
just curious if there are any other oregonians here?


New Member
Hey bud you made it! On this board I'm wolf-keeper. I keep wolf chichlids as of now. Pretty aggressive fish. That's the type I'm into.

Thanks for checking it out. And let me be the first to say welcome!


New Member
was pretty sure that was you...
place looks good, if only i was closer to them for trade, but plenty of datas for me to enjoy.


New Member
Hey your not to far only about 5 hours haha. But your the lucky one you live a lot closer to the Fish store "The Wet Spot". I want to check that place out


New Member
Your not the only lost Oregonian LOL found my way here too/also - great group of people!!!

For the freshwater junkys the WetSpot is a great place, super store and great selection any of the times I've been up there have always found something I couldn't live without.


New Member
yeah im a salty, i get most of my stuff from local suppliers who sell to the local stores, i had been sitting in that circle for years and just never took them up on their offers to hook me up with crazy cheap deals, they get some from their tanks and some from salem and portland, i just tag on with store orders and just get them pretty much delivered to my door by a smiling friend, cant get any better than that...