
New Member
I live in Edmonds, have a 20-gal long FW planted tank with 12 Cardinals, 6 Endlers, & 9 Amano Shrimp. Water parameters perfect due to weekly water changes and testing. BIG PROBLEM: I need to fly to SoCal coming up here in a few weeks for a month and I have no one to do water changes, maybe clean my 2 Fluval 20 & 30 HOB filters once or twice. ONE SOLUTION: let them die :evil: , or hire someone to come over, accompanied by my ex-husband, who barely knows how to feed them. I've invested a lot of time, money, and love into my fishies and am totally bummed at the thought of letting them croak - cruel way to go.

Any suggestions? No I don't have any friends, including ex that's willing to or knows how to do weekly water changes.

Please HELP!

Ginny Williams
call me at 951-249-4450 (cell)

p.s. As I was reading this post, like an idiot I said I don't have any friends. I do have friends, they just aren't interested in aquariums - probably afraid they'll kill my fish. People not into this are timid to get involved. C'est la vie. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I wish that I was closer, I would definitely help out. Maybe Cory will be able to do something for you, his shop is there in Edmonds


New Member
I recently went back to Vietnam for 3 weeks and did no water changes in my tank and had my sister come by to feed them every other day. Came back and everyone was healthy and happy with just a bit of a sunken stomach since they didn't get as much food as they used to. I had specific bags laid out for each day of feeding for my sister as well. Did a few 75% water changes and they're good, plus mind you this is a 140g with about 30 African Cichlids. I don't much about tanks with plants and shrimp, but maybe you could get by with minimal feeds?


Active Member
I live close by and would be happy to help out. Gives me an excuse to go visit the Co-Op when I'm up in that area anyways :)

Feel free to call me at 206-250-5214 or I'll reach out to you later tonight


New Member
Sorry that I forgot to update my situation! A generous FishBox member, Ali has agreed to tank sit while I'm gone for 4-5 weeks.

Thanks everyone for your interest, and thank you Ali for your generosity!