New member Apistogramma fan


New Member
I just ran across this forum and am glad to have found one that is based in Washington State in case I need to buy or sell or trade fish, and to find out about local events. I just got relapsed into the aquarium addiction about a year ago after a long hiatus. In the past I've never had more than one aquarium at a time, though; this time I quickly went from a 20 gal. Long to (2) 29 gal. a 5 gal and a 10 gal. All the tanks and much of the equipment came off Craigslist.
I seem to be jumping around in interests although sticking mainly with South American and Mexican fishes. A student of Spanish for years, I travelled in Venezuela and in Mexico in the early 80s. It was nothing involving fish at that time, but I saw beautiful diverse landscapes and loved the music and food and architecture. So why not the fish? After all, my 13 year old self spent hours staring at Herbert R Axelrod's books with the grainy black and white photos of men with nets in the South American jungles, and wishing I could do that when I grew up.
A single Angelfish that came with the first tank I got last year, was so interesting that I explored other cichlids (the Angel is getting too big). Having settled on Apistogramma species, I managed to locate 2 unsexed juvenile A. macmasteri which amazingly turned out to be a male/female that have now spawned and I've got 3 month old fry. Meanwhile I raised and sold a bunch of the guppies that came from two different used tanks; raised some Rio Otapa swordtails (wild type, started with juveniles at GSAS auction) A childhood fascination with the South American Annual Killifish revived when I found a trio of those at the Auction. I've been unsuccessful in hatching any of the killifish eggs or even of keeping the females alive for some reason. Another GSAS event got me interested in C.A.R.E.S* program to breed species endangered or extinct in the wild. I came home with 1 pair of Zoogoneticus tequila or "Volcano Goodeid"s, and those small livebearers are breeding well in a ten gallon tank. What to do when there are even more, I am undecided as yet.
The Angelfish is still the centerpiece of a planted South American Community Tank along with corydoras, otocinclus and tetras. In the near future I may want to phase out of the swordtails, although I like them, just so I can make room for the growing Apistogramma fry or the goodeids. I'm trying to resist buying a bigger tank or more tanks because I don't have time or money to go more berserk than I already have! However I am nowhere near tired of this obsession. Staring at fish is a great antidote from work which involves lots of time staring at computers.


New Member
Welcome! I only have one apisto, but I love his personality and he gets along great with his tank mates, I'm sure you can find a picture in my picture thread on this site :)


Staff member
Welcome, Jesse Morrison who posts on here as well is quite into mexican fish.


Welcome to the board!
I too keep a species of CARES goodeid known as the blue tail goodeid listed as CCR and a few more wild type livebearers as well. I love Apisto's too and have 3 types not common in the hobby. Good luck with your brood and hope to see some for sale on here or at Ron's upcomong Aquarium Cartel in March...
P.S. are you a GSAS member yet??


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Welcome! I dabbled in apistos for a few months but then my interests went back to their roots ( large Central American cichlids). Anyway, welcome to the forum . And I hope to see you at the swap next month.

I have also been thinking about Angels as I was recently at star riders house and his angels are breath taking......


New Member

I keep some apisto's too cacatuoide(orange flash ,dbl and triple red agassizi and boreli) also Altum , Scalare and Discus

I'm pretty sure Lloyd is referring to the Altum... I need to get a bigger tank for those ;)


New Member
I have been extremely busy and forgot about this site. I lost a lot of my Apistogramma macmasteri fry due to overstock (I think) affecting water quality, but I do still have about 8 that are growing up. I'd be interested in trading some for another apistogramma species! (depending on what kind, I don't want cacatoides - I like more blue and black colors myself - but there are others I like including: borelli, atahualpa, trifasciata, bitaeniata, and I like some of the agassazi also. They do sell a few apistos at A Place for Pets in Burien and at Midway Tropical Fish in Des Moines. So I might look there.
The original breeding pair macmasteri are still doing well but haven't gotten a new spawn to live babies again since last October. Can't figure out how to paste images into this. I love to watch the apistos behavior breeding or not.
I went way too overboard on buying swordtails at the GSAS auction last falll and now had wayyy to many which I just sold a bunch of at a local fish store. Craigslist ad didn't net many sales for me and like I say I forgot about this particular site entirely. Anyway now that I've removed 13 big fish that eat and poop too much I am going to rearrange the 5 tanks (not big, 5 gal to 29 gal range) so I can give my increasing band of Goodeids out of the ten gallon they've been in. So I'll have an apisto breeding tank, a Goodeid tank with the last couple green swords, a community tank which has the tetras and non breeding apistos and corydoras. There's still a 5 gallon crammed with common guppies. If I knew of something else that could live in that they could possibly go elsewhere. But don't want them to be 'feeders' either. Make the ten gallon back into a quarantine tank. Uh oh, where to put the new pair of apistos I'm craving. Maybe not . .
And all of my tanks have lots of plants, the two 29 gals. are elaborate setups with wood and rocks as well. I just love spending about an hour staring at each tank at least once a day. Very relaxing (when not worrying about how to rearrange them)