I am hoping to. I have a mature male but need a female. They take about two years to mature. I am hoping one of three will be a female.Cute little Cory cats!
Glad you have Hoplos again, ever try to breed them? The whole buble nest thing is pretty intriguing...
Would the hyperness of these larger cats be an issue with the Angel/Discus? During feeding, mine are absolutely nuts. Its fun to watch but some fish might not like it.I’ve been thinking about hoplos for my angel / discus tank… I currently have 3 little emerald cories, but I prefer the size of the hoplos more.
I don’t think so….the discuss that I have is fairly aggressive and is completely fine with my serpae tetras (I have a school of 10).Would the hyperness of these larger cats be an issue with the Angel/Discus? During feeding, mine are absolutely nuts. Its fun to watch but some fish might not like it.