I was extremely excited to decide to pull the angelfish fry eggs out of the community tank and raise them myself. Started with a filtering jar placed into a 10gal tank and then after a few days of swimming sent them into the 10gal.
Now almost 2 1/2 weeks later, I am exhausted and didn't realize how much work it was going to be. Don't get me wrong- the experience has been great, but that many fish in a 10gal, I am doing 3 water changes a day (maybe 20-25% each time) and 3 feeding of live brine shrimp. Trying to incorporate dry food with it. I am amazed how they avoid the dry food. I thought I would disguise it and put the powder together with live brine. They leave it to drop on the floor.
Any suggestions? Do I just keep trying and eventually when I stop the live brine they will either eat or starve? I just don't want them to die after this long of caring real hard for them.
Love to hear from any experiences you have had!
Now almost 2 1/2 weeks later, I am exhausted and didn't realize how much work it was going to be. Don't get me wrong- the experience has been great, but that many fish in a 10gal, I am doing 3 water changes a day (maybe 20-25% each time) and 3 feeding of live brine shrimp. Trying to incorporate dry food with it. I am amazed how they avoid the dry food. I thought I would disguise it and put the powder together with live brine. They leave it to drop on the floor.
Any suggestions? Do I just keep trying and eventually when I stop the live brine they will either eat or starve? I just don't want them to die after this long of caring real hard for them.
Love to hear from any experiences you have had!