How do I transition fry to dry food? I keep trying!


I was extremely excited to decide to pull the angelfish fry eggs out of the community tank and raise them myself. Started with a filtering jar placed into a 10gal tank and then after a few days of swimming sent them into the 10gal.
Now almost 2 1/2 weeks later, I am exhausted and didn't realize how much work it was going to be. Don't get me wrong- the experience has been great, but that many fish in a 10gal, I am doing 3 water changes a day (maybe 20-25% each time) and 3 feeding of live brine shrimp. Trying to incorporate dry food with it. I am amazed how they avoid the dry food. I thought I would disguise it and put the powder together with live brine. They leave it to drop on the floor.
Any suggestions? Do I just keep trying and eventually when I stop the live brine they will either eat or starve? I just don't want them to die after this long of caring real hard for them.
Love to hear from any experiences you have had!



Staff member
The easiest transition is putting frozen baby brine in with the live brine. From there you can start working to other foods.


I didn't mention that They do eat the frozen brine shrimp this week. I started freezing left overs and they seem to eat that up fast. I guess that's a good sign then if it was the next stage and they are eating it!


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
All of my cichlid fry ( currently around 500) eat a dry food called nano krill. It's made by a company called southern delight. They love it and grow so quickly on it. I've never tried brine shrimp so I can't speak to the transition piece.image.jpegimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Staff member
^^^^^Agree 10 fold. ALL of my fish are on this food. I breed fish weekly so no issues with any of it.

Now with transitioning from wet to dry, that takes a bit of time but they will transition. For this reason, I never feed live food to any of my cichlids, Plecos, Bichirs or loaches. There are far more nutrients in the dry food.


Active Member
I really like SD Nano Krill, it's part of my regular dry rotation.

But while it's small, (perfect for my endlers) I think it will be too big of a step for baby angels. Especially if they aren't even touching frozen foods and stuff.

Frozen cyclops are teeny and float in the water column a long time, have you tried those?


I really like SD Nano Krill, it's part of my regular dry rotation.

But while it's small, (perfect for my endlers) I think it will be too big of a step for baby angels. Especially if they aren't even touching frozen foods and stuff.

Frozen cyclops are teeny and float in the water column a long time, have you tried those?

They finally are solely on Frozen Brine Shrimp and still doing great. I have now transitioned to adding micro meal and Krill powder with the frozen brine shrimp. Trying to transition and hopefully go to a powder flake in a couple weeks. They are getting big!
Thanks for the replies!


My update: They have survived the transition. I don't think they really like the dry food but they seem to be doing well.
Thanks for all the info!



Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that they have adapted to the new diet.

PS. If fish could vote dry flake food would be probably given a thumbs down every time. And if I was a millionaire I would accommodate them with just live and frozen. :)
I'm new to the fish spawning game, with that said I have successfully not killed my baby plecos and angelfish fry. I have been lucky my fry eat what I have given them. there diet has been Hakari frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, live micro worms , cucumber and zucchini, and tetramin flake food ground up in to almost powder and just before tank is cleaned some pealed frozen pea (not just for swim bladder)great treat too . if mom and pop's eat it so do baby's.


Active Member
I'm a low-brow fish keeper. When I was breeding celestial pearl danios I fed the fry golden pearls of varying sizes. That did the trick for me - cheap and easy. :)


I'm new to the fish spawning game, with that said I have successfully not killed my baby plecos and angelfish fry. I have been lucky my fry eat what I have given them. there diet has been Hakari frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, live micro worms , cucumber and zucchini, and tetramin flake food ground up in to almost powder and just before tank is cleaned some pealed frozen pea (not just for swim bladder)great treat too . if mom and pop's eat it so do baby's.
I was hoping to find some micro worms. Do you order them or locally find them?
I got locally I found them at aqua pets up in Marysville but if you are in Kitsap county I can give you a start batch. I'm always lookin for plants and fish.