Evolution of a 29 gallon planted tank



Current Earth star date: 273.2014

Journal entry: New substrate is promoting insane root growth. Stems planted - Rotala indica rotundifolia clippings formed whole root balls in 2 weeks. Stargrass stems formed a complete root mat.

New aquascape in the works. Removing Rotala indica and star grass and replacing with more delicate and elaborate plants. Picture updates to come :)


29 gallon tank.
Lighting: 1 30" Finnex planted+, 1 24" Finnex planted +, 1 24" aquatop 7,000K, 2 marine land 17" red plant growing LED.

Fertilizers: Flourish Comprehensive, Flourish Excel, CO2 injection.
Substrate(s): ADA aquasoil capped with flourite gravel and a natural gravel.

Plants: pogostemon helferi, Cryptocoryne lucens, S. Repens, Blyxa J., A.R.mini, Christmas moss, Phoenix moss, Anubias Bonzai, anubias nana petite, anubias stardust, Java fern trident, Bacoba A., Rotala sunset, cuphea anagalloidea, golden nesaea.

Fish & inverts: Pearl gourami, ember tetra, rubber lipped pleco, otocinclus, Amano shrimp, trumpet snails.
