Wow those xenotilapia are cool. Do you mainly keep them in colonies? And have you had success spawning them?
Yes and yes. Xeno's are social fishes, and need to be kept in groups. I have a few females holding now. I have had several spawns this year, but the females are just learning how to hold to term. I do not strip my mouthbrooders.
I also have two Xenotilapia species- X. spiopterus and X. flavipinnis- that are biparental mouthbrooders. They need a completely different tank setup for breeding, and I'm just getting ready to try that. I had a 55g ready for them, but then my O. nasuta Kipili Gold's started spawning, and I needed the tank for them. I'm not complaining. Here are some of my Kipili Gold fry; I have 20 of them at present, from two different females. Two of the older ones at the bottom of the pic are already turning gold-