Started down the Tropheus hole


Legendary Member
So, my new tropheus range from 1in to 3in. If I wait for the smallest to get 1.5in then I will have nearly sexually mature juveniles which will be more difficult to integrate with the old colony.
Currently, the 220g has no rocks. It has been recommended by members on MFK that I leave it that way when I combine the two groups.
I am leaning toward adding several large solitary rocks and then some small piles of rocks. I am also thinking that if I move the mature colony after lights out it might be less stressful. IMG_0621.jpegIMG_0620.jpegIMG_0619.jpeg


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
I agree with you on both counts. Just a few rocks, and perhaps some lengths of PVC pipe amongst them to offer some escape routes for any fishes that are being chased/harassed, but not enough for them to fight over. I'd add the other fishes in the evening, then lights out for a full day. After a day with no food, you can feed them, as feeding helps define the pecking order. The fishes you got from me know about lettuce leaves; I'd try that soon as well. With this many fishes, any one fish is unlikely to be targeted, but be vigilant. Things should settle down after that. :thumbsup


Legendary Member
Tonight I will add the adults who are in a temporary holding cell. I know the sump is dark but you can just see a tropheus face. IMG_0625.jpeg
I added the two juveniles and the most damaged member to the tank directly.
IMG_0623.jpegThe largest of the new crew wasn’t pleased so he too is in solitary