What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Im getting a little bored with a couple fish... But Im at that point I dont know what I would replace them with. No more goldfish tanks however, lol. The two tanks are enough and wow, they are messy are requiring more work than my other tanks.

Im so tired of my slow growth EBJD, it still very small for a fish that is like 10 months old at least. Its grown a little more not being in with the silver dollars but nowhere near the adult size it should be. Just kind of done with it. It was an unplanned, spur of the moment purchase and I think Im done with the experiment. My red wolf is getting skinny and really looking like its on deaths' door, I feel af if I should euthanize it now, It completely misses food and its eyesight seems even worse now. That would make a 46g bowfront and 65B open to stock...


Well-Known Member
She definitely looks like she's in what us female humans call 'I'm tired of being pregnant! Get these effing things out of me! FOOD DAMMIT!' phase. XD


Glass surfed a lot, played peekaboo, loved on the cats then crawled into her cave. They tend to lay eggs at night, hopefully soon. She is sooo ready and looks like she's relaxing her body right now.

Very slight rhythmic movements right now. Might be starting contractions. Thinking about turning her lights off but I don't want to throw her off either.
Seems about 20 seconds apart she has a larger breath and light push sort of movement.
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Contributing Member Level III
I borrowed a digital thermometer from work to see what my true water temperature was in the garage tanks. Since I have those cheap peel and stick thermometers, it really is not an accurate reading. My 20g with a preset 50w heater was a steady 75 degrees. My tanks with the Finnex titanium's all show as 80 degrees on the readouts but were in reality all about 75-76 degrees. This is where a calibration feature would have been nice. My 90 gallon with the new Fluval was around 78.5 with no adjustment, had basically just dropped into the tank since other heater had failed.

I am not really concerned in raising the temp on the goldfish but my other tanks I will likely try to raise at least a couple degrees, I will have to ignore the fact they will likely read 82 degrees to hit at least 77.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
I borrowed a digital thermometer from work to see what my true water temperature was in the garage tanks. Since I have those cheap peel and stick thermometers, it really is not an accurate reading. My 20g with a preset 50w heater was a steady 75 degrees. My tanks with the Finnex titanium's all show as 80 degrees on the readouts but were in reality all about 75-76 degrees. This is where a calibration feature would have been nice. My 90 gallon with the new Fluval was around 78.5 with no adjustment, had basically just dropped into the tank since other heater had failed.

I am not really concerned in raising the temp on the goldfish but my other tanks I will likely try to raise at least a couple degrees, I will have to ignore the fact they will likely read 82 degrees to hit at least 77.

This is my favourite point-and-shoot thermometer. It is as accurate as any I've tried, has a nice bright digital readout, and does NOT beep!


Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 12.05.43 PM.png


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Contributing Member Level III
A bit of extra tank cleaning after work today, of course it was the goldfish tanks. Cleaned the Aquaclear on the 65B goldfish tank and water changed the 90. Clean tanks for a day or two…lol. They are messy!


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Contributing Member Level III
After work today I cleaned another Aquaclear filter in the garage. I also did the sad deed of having to euthanize my red wolf fish. He was bigger than expected. The 5 gallon bucket measures 11-1/2” and he had his tail curled so he was 12”. Now my 65B sits empty and my 20H qt tank is empty too. I might go around to some of the fish stores this weekend and see what they got. Might just throw a few guppies in the tanks to keep the cycle going.
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Contributing Member Level III
I got some guppies if you want them. Where you at?
Im in Lakewood, Im considering some mollies instead and may move my EBJD into the 65B with them. In nature they are found together and I believe my fish would live with them quite well since he really hasn’t shown aggression towards other fish yet. The guppy thing was just an idea but the mollies would make the most sense. If I change my mind I will PM you, thanks for the offer.

Did get motivated and ended up cleaning another Aquaclear in the garage. Three filters done now. Have four more to do but I can spread those out a bit.


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Doing a bit of stock reevaluating... Im kind of tired of my slow growing little EBJD and his solo Madagascar rainbow fish... Im thinking to just move the rainbow into my 90g community tank with the Boesemani rainbows and rehome the EBJD. This would then make another tank completely empty.

Great, an empty 46g bowfront, and empty 65B and an empty 20H QT tank. Problem is I have no idea what I want to do with any of them. Really liked the red wolf and would strongly consider replacing it with another but they are not always the easiest fish to find in stock. I used to run a community of small fishes in the 46 bowfront and that was good, but also Ive kind of done that already. Maybe I should move the puffer into the 46 and take down the fluval flex? Ugh the hobby is getting a bit stale for me... Maybe less is more? lol

Even a bit of rethinking stock in the 300g. My Oscar is very anti social, my Pearsei hasnt been doing well, likely from the oscar picking on it, and with no bichirs there is nothing on the bottom of interest. Want to add a water cow goby and maybe replace both cichlids with something different... something with some more color or personality.
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Contributing Member Level III
Well one problem down... I ordered a red wolf fish online from The Wet Spot. That will go into its permanent home in the 65B. I do need to do some work on the aquascape of that tank. It was pretty much a tank devoid of decor except a couple soft plastic plants due to the other wolf being so blind. Im fairly sure the other wolf had damaged its eyes on a cave I had for it. Im looking for some larger smooth stones to do this time and maybe an elongated smooth branch.


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I just got word back from Wet Spot, they have 8 of the red wolf in stock. The one matching my request for a longer dorsal fin and a bit more color has a split in the tail that I feel would grow out with a permanent fork. So I asked for another choice....
This was the one they sent a picture of:
Red Wolf 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Watching and waiting. The 8 gallon bowfront daphnia culture is just insane. Pulled out and transferred a bunch into the slow 10 gallon and switched the filter to a smaller unit. The big one even heavily restricted I think is creating too much turbulence/ flow in the water. Since the culture is overflowing I dumped a bunch into the sticklebacks tank. Moss is going well in there and that culture has a lot of baby scuds too. Hoping maybe I can get a little ecosystem maybe going. Doubt it, those are voracious hunters. Basically a mixed colony of male and female Bettas.


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Morning water changes and cleaning of Two Aquaclear 110 filters. Just my typical weekend tank maintenance.

Put in a new Finnex heater on my 90g so Im watching it this afternoon to make sure its working.

Got to meet up with @HaydensFish today, who stopped by to pick up some fish supplies. Was nice to meet you in person Hayden.
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Contributing Member Level III
Confirmation of shipping on the new red wolf fish. Should be here tomorrow... hopefully not too late with all the packages out at this time of year.

In the meantime I went to Petco and bought a small package of Hikari sinking carnivore pellets to start him on. Had sticker shock when I saw the small bag was $16.99! Remembered they price match to their own website which had it for $10.99, which is pretty much the universal price everywhere online.