Recent content by FishBeast

  1. FishBeast

    Getting back into the Hobby

    Welcome! This is a great community with some solid people!
  2. FishBeast

    What did you do with your tank(s) today?

    Added the 3 chocolate cichlids from @fishguy1978 to the 210 + 75 system this morning and spent all day monitoring them with the datnoid and polys. I am pleased to say that they are all getting along and swim around placidly. The datnoid, though predatory, has lived with a 6-7 inch Ctenopoma...
  3. FishBeast

    What did you do with your tank(s) today?

    Sorry to hear that. Always tough to lose a fish. A 6 gallon tank is too small for all the fish you have. Sometimes it’s hard to keep the water quality up due to the bioload compared to the tank volume. Also kuhli loaches, garras and rasboras all seem to do better in groups of at least 6 or...
  4. FishBeast

    What did you do with your tank(s) today?

    That’s awesome! Which fish go with which names?
  5. FishBeast

    FS Fish room inhabitants

    Thank you so much Colin @fishguy1978 for the beautiful fish, the tour and the plants! They made it home ok, I made the tank half lit for the plants and the other half dark. The small choc and the male have eaten. Severum and female choc are hiding. Cheers bro!
  6. FishBeast

    A new beast approaches - Marbled Goby

    He never took to pellets unfortunately. Frozen stuff only. I’ve even threatened him with being steamed and prepared with scallions and a light soy/rice wine sauce! They are very eurhyaline and in nature swim in and out of water with different salinities. You can probably do it by the classic...
  7. FishBeast

    The Glass Box - BREMERTON

    Hello my friend! They also have a special order program where you have access to the entire Cichlid Exchange/Wet Spot catalog once a week and you pick up at their location upon delivery!
  8. FishBeast

    The Glass Box - BREMERTON

    They have moved to a new location in Bremerton! Much larger space and rooms are creatively filled with tank containing fish in the same “category” for example a barbs and loaches room, catfish room. They have a pretty...
  9. FishBeast

    Want to Buy - 375 Acrylic

    Did you find a tank?
  10. FishBeast

    Other Hobbies?

    One of my other hobbies is music! Here’s a song I made about the legendary Spanish knight Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar also known as El Cid. Do you like my wig?
  11. FishBeast

    A new beast approaches - Marbled Goby

    Can’t believe how tiny this guy was back then!
  12. FishBeast

    A new beast approaches - Marbled Goby

    Thank you Dave! Hope you’re doing well, man! Have you seen the 600 at AP? It’s amazing and so is the Odoe characin they have in it!
  13. FishBeast

    Siniperca chuatsi

    Update! This perch is now 4-5 inches and easily my most interactive and alert fish. Chases finger and tries to bite through the glass! Eating frozen smelt, pellets and worms. Note the turbulence generated by its aggressive chasing. Video soon!
  14. FishBeast

    A new beast approaches - Marbled Goby

    The Goby has bulked up. Now 7-8 inches long. Loves his cave when not hovering midwater waiting for food. I feed frozen smelt and occasional beef heart cubes. The myriad tiny white dots on the back glass are thousands of ostracods. I’ll move this fish into a bigger tank and plan to harvest some...
  15. FishBeast

    My fancy goldfish tank(s)

    Agree with Keith on the break from meds. It may even be a benign cyst or other skin/scale lesion that gets inflamed occasionally but ultimately does no harm. I get how annoying it can be to look at though… it’s why I did surgery on my wolf’s lip a while back. I am glad the lateral line...