Questions/Opinions on the FX5


New Member
larger fish != messier fish

My mbuna are messy buggers, but pretty small. Having 10x or more turnover for them is advisable.

To you point, you don't want that in a nice planted tank with shoalers. :)


New Member
Never disagreed on that point is I was still running my African or my Aro/Bicher tank I would have a massive filter going on that one since plants and other means of balancing the tank are out. Not to mention they would leave parts of the feeders just laying around the tank... :D

If all goes well I maybe setting up another African tank since I really loved the buggers but I want to do at least a 150 for it ans a real elaborate background rock setup then I will be in the market for a filter like the FX5 or even larger.... Or I may go native with bass and sunfish ... or maybe gar .... oh dang the wife is gonna kill me...

It all goes back to what do you keep and how are you setup ...


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
The 900gph is not a realistic number, I think that was a no media inside thing. I think that in recent tests with media it more like 600gph actual real number. On my 210g with two FX5's and custom spray bars it does not create any current the fish cant handle. But Ive got big messy fish!


New Member
The #'s never are ..... :D

One of theses days they will actually give us real numbers like my HW303b's say 378gph but are actually higher than that ... Never have figured that one out... they actually have an output closer to the C530 which is what SUN Sun builds for Marineland and that this filter matches in size. So I would say in the 420 range with media in the canister since I don't pack them tight.