my new loved and long awaited jag



Well she looks comfy already. Good. Fins must be from catching her, or my black belt. She was only #2 top fish in the tank behind the black belt. Give her anywhere from a few days to a week. You will be very impressed with her color. I'm happy she went to a good home. I hope you plan on giving her a friend soon. She has always been with other fish. Although she would probably make a great wet pet. Enjoy.


New Member
i will she already comes out and follows me she ate two freeze dried krill after a a hour or so.thank you she really is what i was looking for


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
That was a nice jag you got. VW takes great care of his fish and that jag did have a lot of purple.


Yeah, that sounds like her. She digs some, but only when bored. And the stripes will disapear. And her patern gives the impresion of a male. She has a lot of spoting for a female, that was one of the things I really liked about her. You know its strange seeing my fish in someone elses tank. I had her since she was 7 weeks old, and she's about 2 years old now. Its good to here she is doing well, don't feel shy to post a million pics and videos of her. She is well worth showing off.


Hykari, nls, omega one, and a few others. She had a very round diet. For treats she ate earthworms.