Market Rules——READ prior to posting!

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Staff member
All for sale posts must follow the following simple rules:
1. Post a single post for all your sale items.
2. Use the right title format: Prefix - Item description - Location - Method of transport.
3. Include the price
4. No more than one bump a week.
5. Untouched topics will be auto-deleted after two weeks.
6. Keep conversations on topic.
7. Only fish and aquarium related items are allowed on this page. (Please use the LOUNGE for anything non-fish related)

Post a single post for all your sale items
Users must enter all items they want to sell on a single post. It is ok to update the post to add new items, remove items, update prices or answer questions about the items. Once the items are sold, update the post as sold and let the moderators know if you would like it removed or archived. This helps potential buyers purchase multiple items by having them all in a single place. It makes it easier for you by tracking a single post. It helps the community by reducing thread death on the portal.

Use the right title format
Format: Prefix (WTB, FS, FT, FREE) - Item - Location (City and State/Province) - Method of Transport (meet up, ship or pick up)

WTB: Want To Buy
FS: For Sale
FT: For Trade
FREE: Free for all!

Usually restricted to Meet up (MU), Pick Up (PU) or Ship. However if you can come up with another realistic method of transportation... By all means run it by us so we can include it.

If you have multiple items and some fit different prefixes, use multiple prefixes. Same goes for transport. This rule ensures potential buyers know key information about the items for sale without having to ask. We require the information in the title so it can be tracked reliably.

WTB,FREE - free 20 gal tank, looking for 40 gal - Tri Cities - PU
FS - Fancy Guppies - Seattle, WA - Pick-up only
FT - 55 Gallon Tank - Tacoma, WA - Meet up or pick-up

No more than one bump a week
Bumps, when abused, will drive away potential buyers rather than draw them in. We want you to get top dollar for your items. If folks aren't responding to your ad, it may be possible they aren't interested. Instead of bumping, we recommend lowering the price, or even better, attaching new pictures. That said bumping is sometimes necessary to avoid a post expiring. For this reason, one bump a week is allowed if the item goes for a while without a sale.

Untouched topics will be autodeleted after two weeks
Auto expire is set on the forum to automatically delete any stale posts that haven't been updated in two weeks. Bump or update the post once a week (following the bump rule) to keep the post going.

Keep conversations on topic
Questions and clarifications about the item for sale are welcome, as long as they are relevant to the transaction in question. Endorsements and recommendations are also of value. However, if you have additional questions about species, background, maintenance or other information not pertaining to the transaction, these will be redirected to a new thread in the appropriate forum section.
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