how can I grpw out my jurupari?

Fish Addict

New Member
I have had him for about 8 months and have been feeding him good food and keeping water quality great but he is still only like 1.5" and I think he was that big when I bought him... Can any body give me some advise?


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Looking at some comments on sites like MFK for growth rates on jurupari in general, it is slow compared to some cichlids. One person said he got about a 1/4" a month. Im sure yours have grown since you got it but it may be even slower growing. Sorry no good news.

Fish Addict

New Member
Dang that fish is my girlfriends and she loves it but I want it to grow faster so I can put it in with my other fish and not waste space with its tank... Thanks for the help I will check there.


New Member
big tank, lots of large water changes... besides that, you just gotta have patience.... a friend of mine got a fish from petco or petsmart, it would not grow at all.... then i looked up the fish and it was actually already showing its adult colors at 2" when it was suppost to be a 4-6" fish.... long story short, the pet store somehow stunted its growth, maybe cause it was in a small tank, or whatever but that was it.... defective fish. :(

Fish Addict

New Member
yeah from what I have looked up the colors seem to match what an adults should.... He is also only 2" and when I thought about it I have had him for 8 months and he was 1.5"-2" when I bought him


New Member
I know i've kept Satanoperca and Geophagus for a couple years now and like said above they grow sloooow.. I think you should have seen more groth that you have though in 8 months.. What size tank do you have him in and what are you feeding ?? Some of mine took around a year to get to 4-5" from 1.5 inches.. :(


New Member
My guess is try and pump him up with some bloodworms and keep trying mini sinking pellets.. I know with mine i feed a mix of Hikari Sinking Cichlid Gold and Hikari Sinking Cichlid Excel, and a treat once a week of bloodworms.. Could be he's lonely too, most Satanoperca like to be in groups.. :) He should be sifting through the sand for food pretty much constantly if you have sand of course..


New Member
I would say he might just be lonely then..
Maybe pm Justin aka JK47, he's the one that taught me what i know about Geo's and Satanoperca.. He's the expert on them.. :)