I need to do some aqua-scape on the 65B before the new arrivals. My gravel is a bit too deep so that is the first step, to scoop some out. I think I may have some large Seiryu stones in my "overstock" of fish stuff, lol. If not maybe a couple smooth river rocks. I kind of want a bit of an Asian themed tank without being to cliche or fake looking.
I think my substrate is a good choice, not sand but a small round pebble. Ive read these fish like to suck on the rocks and sometimes end up ingesting them so these should be easy enough to pass if that happens. I currently have a bunch of plastic hair grass plants that look pretty good so I will leave them for now but can see the need to thin them down when the fish get bigger.
I purchased some food on Amazon, Hikari-Saki to feed them for now. I guess this variety does better with a sinking food otherwise they tend to gulp too much air from surface feeding and can have issues staying upright. This type can be prone to swim bladder issues and bloat also. What did I get myself in for? lol. Looking forward to the new challenge in fishkeeping.