WTB Adult female bristlenose pleco regular color

Ruturaj Hagavane

Well-Known Member
Looking for adult female bristlenose in regular color. One of the albinos I bought was killed by peacocks or parrot, so I kept another one in planted tank. I am going to try regular colored one now.


Well-Known Member
Well that's a bummer, but it does happen. I have pretty selectively culled out all my standard fins but will keep an eye on the tank for you. If I find 3"+ standard dark female the next ones free if you don't get one before my next trip to the market. My standard colors all have big white trim on the tails (probably because I've been selectively breeding long fin albino) so they aren't really "high grade".

Ruturaj Hagavane

Well-Known Member
You really think the color is going to make a difference?

I think so. The adult albino I had lived with me for long was getting in fight with parrots. But it was fine after I moved them to larger tank. That one probably died of old age, I bought it as adult, had it for close to 4 years. Next one was too small, shouldn't have added her. I think regular one won't look rival to parrots.
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