A pleasant night baking! LOL


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Contributing Member Level III
Yep the cold weather is here and I'm baking. No cake, brownies or cupcakes, just rocks... :suspect:

I am finally getting around to my gravel out of my 210g. Ive used a disinfection chemical we have at work and soaked it. I then rinsed it. I then put it through two rounds of 250 degree water out of a hot water pressure washer at work. Now I am baking it in the oven! If all this dont kill whatever parasite was in the gravel I dont know what will.

The fish survivors will go into a 20L for a bit more parasite treatment just a a precaution before going back into the big tank. Only thing left is 3 red hooks and two plecos. All seem to be eating but the Sunshine pleco had stringy white poo this morning. :swear:

Well back to baking.

Its a lot of work baking 150lbs of gravel! :lmfao:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have an idea, bring me your gravel and I will throw it in my yard, and then buy some sand. I have about 40lbs I will give you. :D


madness said:
I have an idea, bring me your gravel and I will throw it in my yard, and then buy some sand. I have about 40lbs I will give you. :D
:laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard:
This is funny! This past week I baked some lava rock to kill the algae! Tonight I'm baking gravel to kill the algae from a heavily infested tank...! seems like good weather for this!


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Ratlova30 said:
Wow, um wow lol

Did you ever figure out what your guys got??

Good luck with the baking!
Most likely it was something transmitted from my wild caught fish. I should have quarantined them before introducing them to an established group of fish. Lesson learned! I bought a hospital/quarantine tank, better late than never!

:mad:: madness, I like my gravel!
:mad:: fishman09, NO :laughhard: , it encourages bad behavior in madness!
:mad:: fishloverRon, enjoy your baking! Im having fun with mine.


New Member
I don't know if this will help but I have read that giving you fish garlic will help treatment parasite. just a thought


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Angelman said:
I don't know if this will help but I have read that giving you fish garlic will help treatment parasite. just a thought
I used Omega One marine pellets and flakes with garlic and used garlic guard. What ever this stuff was that hit the fish manifested itself with a loss of appetite as one of the first symptoms. Once this started it was basically next to impossible to get the fish eating again. A mix of meds in frozen bloodworms with garlic guard and pellets got a few eating again but they just were never the same. :(

Well Im only half baked.... :lmfao: ,what I mean is I cant believe it takes so long. I still have about a third of the gravel to bake.


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Contributing Member Level III
Well from baking to cleaning. :lmfao:

I finished the baking of my gravel and decided to do some hard core cleaning. I have pulled out all my nets, buckets, cleaning brushes, gravel vacs, basically anything ever to have been in contact with my tank and give it a boiling water and bleach disinfection. Whatever I had will be killed this time around. I know that just drying out is supposed to kill off things but I am not taking any chances.


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I still have not got to the tank itself!

My little 20L is waiting for a glass top to come in for the fish to get a final debugging. Then I can concentrated on the tank and filters.


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I was going to say, don't forget the filters, but it looks like you've got it all covered. I sure hope the meds work on the fish if they aren't already safe, so you will finally be rid of whatever it was.

Are you planning to start with a cheap, hardy fish to test the waters before you put your silver dollars and new stock in? (Not that the cheap fish's life is any less valuable, but ... you know what I mean, I hope. ;) )

How did your kitchen smell while all of this baking was going on? :pale:


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Contributing Member Level III
I am actually think of a SA theme. Oscar, green terror, pike, reed hooks and pleco. Will wait and see what is available.

Funny you should mention smell, the rocks were pretty clean but for some reason we still got a wiff of melafix/pimafix as they cooked. The house had a tea tree oil smell, not bad really.


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Contributing Member Level III
Thanks, it has been depressing at times but yep I am still here. :D