150 SA/CA tank


New Member
New stock! This is my 150 gallon CA/SA tank. Thanks to madness I now have a black belt, polleni and Zonatus.
This is my grow out stock.
1x old rescue Oscar
1x 17" fire eel
1x fire mouth
1x gold nugget pleco
1x upside down catfish
1x polleni
1x Zonatus
1x black belt
I'll post a better quality one later.
  • [flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/MnkcHQBThWc" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


New Member
Lost my puppy Oscar today that I rescued from a private fish store with hole in the head and I was just starting to get attached... Darn:(


New Member
Just hoping my other fish behave themselves and don't start to be aggressive without the Oscar. Might have to go pick up the other black belt from madness to balance out the tank...


New Member
As for the manz. I take the branches off and sprinkle off on to the substrate. I see a little bit of that. It's in my vid in my sig if you want to see. Like the selection thus far.


New Member
Well and I have a gold nugget pleco that hs decided to strip the bark off the manz peices. Not all just in spots. I kinda like it though because it makes it look more natural. I might pick up a argentea in the next few weeks of madness still has them. ( hold the one with the bar across the face madness...) haha any way the tanks come together and I will post some more pics soon.