Recent content by shannon traylor

  1. shannon traylor

    Want to Buy - 375 Acrylic

    Thanks everyone
  2. shannon traylor

    Want to Buy - 375 Acrylic

    hello, I'm looking to buy a 375 Acrylic thank you
  3. shannon traylor

    Wolf - Dovii cichlids

    Hello you still got some umbees for sale
  4. shannon traylor

    300 G - $500 and 180 G - $300

    I hope I’m not late is that 300 still available
  5. shannon traylor

    Female festae 9”—-sold

    Hello you still have the feaste
  6. shannon traylor

    I’ve got a buddy trying to locate some amphs sold by APFP a year ago

    Got a pair from Shawn But no fry yet!
  7. shannon traylor

    I’ve got a buddy trying to locate some amphs sold by APFP a year ago

    The Chanchos was from GuapoteMel Red Devils from Brain D Gold Barred from Terrell P
  8. shannon traylor

    FS Tsn hybrid catfish

    Hello any pictures from
  9. shannon traylor

    WTB Geophagus

    Come on fellow hobbies, I’m looking to buy G Pellegrini , orange and red head Tapajos Thank you
  10. shannon traylor

    WTB Geophagus

    Hello I’m looking for geophagus pellegrini and some orange and red head Tapajos Thanks
  11. shannon traylor

    FS Young Male Hecklii

    I’ll buy all the heckill s
  12. shannon traylor

    FS Dovii

  13. shannon traylor

    WTB Tanks

    Hello I’m looking for 2 75 gallon acrylic ! Thanks
  14. shannon traylor

    FS Acrylic 190 best offer

    How much and what’s the damages
  15. shannon traylor

    FS Acrylic 190 best offer

    Like to buy the tank