Recent content by hyp3rcrav3

  1. H

    Ebay Stainless

    Slate was cheaper and it also looked natural in bare bottom tanks. Slate tanks are more expensive now because collectors will pay for them. The 15 that I mention above that has glass below the steel lid still has light. I've put in LED screw bulbs to save on juice and to keep top cooler. Plant's...
  2. H

    Ebay Stainless

    I just reseal these steel tanks with silicone and it works just fine. Problem with lids is lights always rust out from water splash. I have a 25 gallon show tank (10 x 36 x 17) with apistos and two 15 gallon tanks. One has the lid but I started keeping glass under it for safety sake. I have an 8...
  3. H

    Free 55 with the works!
  4. H

    LISTING DELETED - 240-gallon fish tank (Lynnwood)

    Dammit, I don't have a place for it.
  5. H

    $300 for 12 discus

    No doubt someone snagged them right up. Had I the space.
  6. H

    $300 for 12 discus

    I only have a 70 gallon so I can't handle more than 7. I currently have 5.
  7. H

    $300 for 12 discus

    I don't have room or cash. I contacted him. 300 buck for all 12.
  8. H

    FS Puffers, Tbars, Corydoras PU Marysville

    Of course purchasing fish from these guys is definitely a mistake. When I was new to African cichlids, I would purchase online thinking I was buying Yellow labs and such. Sometimes I would get the actual species from someone's species tank but other times I would unwittingly get crosses from...
  9. H

    FS Puffers, Tbars, Corydoras PU Marysville

    It drives me crazy the use of common names. Sometime three different animals have the same common name. This is also true for house and garden plants. Come on people, don't be lazy! It's not that tough to grasp a little Latin and Greek for the sake of specificity and clarity.
  10. H

    I wonder how large this hybrid monster will get.

    I know red tails get huge (up to 5 feet) so that's what is curious. Which was male and which was female? Does that effect the size or merely genetic lottery. They are likely mules.
  11. H

    I wonder how large this hybrid monster will get.
  12. H

    Map of Local Fish Stores

    I noticed as I drove by Little Amazon the other day that it said Fresh and Salt water on their signage. However, the last time I was in there, they didn't have salt water tanks set up. I know that they used to have a reef tank. I will look into it because I don't want to misrepresent them. Maybe...
  13. H

    Free oscars, silver dollars, and other fish in Oly
  14. H

    FS Corydoras schultzei black MU Marysville Only

    I cannot now. I'll have to wait for the next batch.
  15. H

    WTB Free or cheap Scud and/or daphnia

    That will be a fun trip. I'm north in Seattle near Shorleine. How are things looking?