Getting ready to redo my 46g bowfront for the hairy puffer. I am getting rid of the sand in favor of a larger gravel and trying to figure out what I want to do with the decor. Still am considering a planted anubias set up. A work in progress... In the meantime, I need to move out the resident...
Couple of months now that the new Finnex has been running in the 90 gallon tank and all seems to be working well. I really am hating the second cord with the sensor on it. The little suction cup that holds it in place doesnt seem to want to stay put. I did buy a second one of these heaters to...
Felt like I accomplished a lot this weekend with catch up on a bunch of tanks. Finally got the goldfish tank that had the Ich to a point where it looks like it is almost back to normal. Had to clean both Aquaclear filters due to all the slime and sludge build up from salting the tank and...
Shaped like this, like the idea of of it but real world use is very limiting. Great as a community tank set up for smaller fish or in my case the solo puffer.
Interior of tank has filter set up in it and it wont hold any fish of any real size if I needed it for a future hospital tank. At least...
Broke down the 20H QT tank and cleaned it all up. Its all drying up and I think its time to sell it and begin my fishroom ‘downsizing’. Want to see if I can find a 50 gallon breeder to replace the Fluval, or at minimum a 40B which is easier to get. Goal is to keep the tank empty for a hospital...
Just finishing up with my tanks this morning, did 5 out of 7 garage tank water changes. Then some hard core cleaning of the 300 to clean off the algae off all the rocks. I’m officially tired!
Anyone keep a bolt cat or vulture cat? The bolt would not get too big (13" + or -) and seems a good fit but not cheap or easy to find. The Vulture cats are fairly easy to find and priced well but they get much bigger and the stories of them taking chunks out of tankmates is a bit distressing...
With all the medications, heavy water changes, and melafix treatments, the water in the goldies tank has looked cloudy for the past couple weeks. I hate seeing the tank look like this. I have a few more melafix treatments to go and then I can work on getting the tank looking clear again.
I am...
Finished up Ich medication on the goldfish and did a thorough gravel vac and then decided to treat with Melafix to help fins heal. Thankfully only one got frayed fins, but sadly it was my favorite. But he seems to be doing well and I think the Melafix is helping even though it’s only the second...
Im getting the itch to get out and do some stuff. I want to get some pressure washing done but will need to borrow my brother in laws big machine, my little electric is too small for what I have to do this time.
Playing catch up on tank cleanings. I got in two tanks in the morning yesterday and two more this morning. Kind of enjoy the time in the morning before I would normally wake up to work on the tanks. Coffee in hand is a fun way to do the tanks. Need to get the sick tank done this evening after...