Recent content by clifford

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    FS Axolotls in Shoreline

    I have some gfp and non-gfp normal and leucistic axolotls that I'd like to find new homes for if anyone is interested. These are about 3" long, have had their back legs for well over a month, and are eating pellets. $20 If you haven't ever kept axolotls before, here are a few tips: These are...
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    FS 33 gallon long and 40 gallon breeder

    Any chance you're interested in parting out the lights?
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    WTB Broken Finnex LEDs

    I'd love to buy any broken Finnex LEDs or power supplies you may have, especially Planted+ 24/7. Thanks! Cliff
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    Ever have a clam outbreak? I haven't...until now, in decades of fish keeping. I believe them to be clams and not muscles. (although I am in no way an expert in this regard). Thought this was a pretty bizarre thing until I Google'd it and it turns out we're spending billions a year in the...
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    Building The Fish Room I Never Wanted

    Ok, your posts have shamed me into buying 2x4's, bolts, wood conditioner, stain, and polyurethane. I'm hoping to end up with a serviceable rack for 10 gallon tanks, 4-high x 5-wide. I'm on stay-cation through Wednesday, so time will tell if I can get something cranked out by then. In terms...
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    FS Random Small Fish, killies, and Malawa shrimp

    Shoreline, about a mile west of Exit 175 on I-5. Lots of Gudgeons, probably 10 or more subadults and 10 or so adults.
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    Building The Fish Room I Never Wanted

    I've been meaning to do something like this for months, and keep managing not to get it done. Your shelves look great, keep up the good work! Initially I wanted to base my shelves off of the photos on the Geiler's website (, but I really like the clean look of...
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    North Sound(Lake Washington)Aquarium Swap 1st. annual

    Do you think this venue is large enough for this type of event? Based on my napkin math (dodgy at best), half the capacity of the room would be vendors (if a similar turnout to the south-end swap was achieved).
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    Auqabid sellers

    My experience on Aquabid has been pretty straightforward. I've purchased from a dozen or so vendors (both domestically and internationally) via the site and have never had a negative experience. That said, there are quite a few sellers I would steer clear of based on feedback and general...
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    FS Random Small Fish, killies, and Malawa shrimp

    I have a few random fish I'd like to find new homes for. Fundulopanchax gardneri (aquarium strain)- 1 male - $4 Aphyosemion australe (aquarium strain) - small pairs, but probably already breeding, great nano tank fish - $12/pr Moscow Blue/Black Guppies - Offspring from Moscow Blue's I...
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    Anyone into Killifish? I may try a couple...

    I'll shoot you a PM. While 8 is high, you're right that peat will lower it. Eggs that come in peat will lower the pH some (but typically not enough to make a large difference unless you're working with very small tanks (1-5 gallons). Many breeders use coconut coir these days due to...
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    Anyone into Killifish? I may try a couple...

    I might be misunderstanding your numbers there, but if I'm reading them correctly I'd say your water is actually quite soft? Basically the same as my Seattle/Shoreline tap. In general terms I think of things over 60(mg/L) as being problematic for soft-water killifish eggs, and 120(mg/L) as...
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    Anyone into Killifish? I may try a couple...

    I keep killies, and am a current (but somewhat recent) AKA member. My review of the club is this: -Great people, but more old school than many younger hobbyists might be used to. (And I'm talking form letter and SASE trading in some cases). Almost no traffic in their website forums at all...
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    FS Pseudomugil furcatus (Forktail Rainbowfish) for sale PU seattle

    I would trade Malawa shrimp for these guys, if you still have them.