FS Fish room inhabitants


Legendary Member
Donations accepted.
Fircrest for pickup
Work is sending me out of state for 6mo-1yr and I need to shut the fish room down.
2 med Chocolates 3-4in
1 lg female chocolate 8in ish
1 lg me chocolate 10in ish
1 lg male H liberifer severum 10in ish

These have not been allowed to mix. They are housed in separate systems so no chance of cross contamination.
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Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Wow, that's a surprise. I can set you up with a number of different Tanganyikans if you want to go in that direction when you get back. Good luck,


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
I'll take whatever you have, but won't be able to make it down this weekend. Would that work?


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
lol, always great to have an assistant 'zoo keeper' willing to help. I dread using CL because of all the flaky people and no shows, always a last resort for me.